What we have to do in Jesus name!/Rev. Hartmut Albruschat

Jesus and the blind

證道: Rev. Hartmut Albruschat
(Berlin, Germany)
Retired; former Secretary for East Asia,
Berliner Missions work


1. the story: Jesus and his disciples are walking to Jericho. Lots of people followed him, looking, standing at the road side. Poor and ill people, many out of the society. When Jesus came - all expected something: a new sentence, new miracle?
Why did they expect such kind of things?
Nobody knows up to this day all the answers to these questions. Our gospel Says, people wait for the Saviour, the Man of God.

2. the Blind: On the road side sitting or lying down, a blind man, begging.
He had heard, Jesus is coming; he can stop my suffering... He started his loud shouting, crying: Jesus helps me!

3. The calling for God:
His cry for help comes to Jesus up to this day all over the world. This cry is inside our prayers. You can hear the cry in your country, your parish, in the city Taipei. You cry for more democracy, for human rights, for the wish of Taiwan independence and membership in the UN. Many people gave an answer: Be quiet! Jesus doesn´t come to you! You are a blind.
In Germany we had lots of discussions about refugees. Many members of my land are against the policy of Mrs Merkel. She said: Come in to our country; we try to help you. This problem is still running through our society. And nobody knows the end. All depended on peace in the region of Syria and Iraq, and Afghanistan. We can not eliminate the cry of people for help and justice .

4. Jesus in action
On his way to Jericho Jesus stopped. He said to his disciples: Bring the man to me. In case many says this is to small thing; Jesus will not hear. But the answer is clear. He hears the cry. Nobody in the world can arrange things without knowing by God.
When the man who is blind is in front of Jesus he asks him: What do you want me to do for you? This question of the blind man is the same, many people in the world lay down before Jesus as >Christians or Muslim or Buddhists or members of other religions. Suffering people cry to God: Please help me.
Jesus helps. The blind get back his sight. This is a great joy for him. He can see the real world around him, his friends, the neighbours, the place he was begging all that time. A new World, a new view. To show his thanks he followed Jesus, praising God.

5. to follow Jesus means:
One word from Jesus and people follow him
Followers are no longer blind. Jesus gives the clear command what to do in the world.
Be no longer blind! See the problems and start to overcome injustice, poverty, and illness. Become missionaries and preach the gospel of our Lord.
Start today: do not say next week! God is still waiting for our activities.
For me as a visitor and "old" friend of your country I feel at home. I see wonderful developments in your PCT church - here in Gi-kong and all over Taiwan. I am happy our partnership between Berlin and Taiwan continues on a good way. Solidarity is not only a word; it is the call from God! We will overcome our blindness. Let us see the world correct and help to save people who are still blind. Our Living Saviour stands in us and beside us and the Holy Spirit gives us power to do the work in the name of Jesus Christ.


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